

  1. We are not responsible for misprints if order was submitted incorrectly.
  2. Paid in full to ensure shipping date.
  3. Order cancellation three weeks before ship date will forfeit a 25% fee. Cancellation within three weeks of ship date will not be refunded.
  4. Please be aware that there are times when a little care is required when dealing with a living, growing product. We do our best to clean up the trees but you may see some brown needles.
  5. Minimum order 50 trees except for Centerpieces and Gift Trees.
  6. Please allow 3 weeks for processing. Rush service is available with a fee up to 20%.
  7. We strive for 100 % percent customer satisfaction.

Packing/Shipping policy

  1. Upon receipt of your order we will schedule delivery of your tree favors to arrive no later than 2 days prior to the event (unless otherwise requested) to ensure freshness of the seedlings. We prefer not to ship where the trees may be sitting in a warehouse over the weekend.
  2. We take all measures possible to ensure your package arrives intact.
  3. Boxing fee will be charged accordingly.